Title: “2084: A Tale of Post America”; Author: W. Milton Timmons; Publisher:
AuthorHouse; ISBN: 978-1-4389-0885-4; Pages: 222; Reviewed by: Margie Farber
This is the second novel by Milt Timmons I have read and reviewed. Like the first
novel by the author, titled “Regarding an Angel’s Flight,” this novel flows very
smoothly. As part of his research, the author took a trip along the same route that is
taken by the characters in his book. He did this in order to familiarize himself with
the surroundings and make the book more believable to his readers.
His book begins with the murder of Dr. Irving Epstein, chief systems designer of
Remote Underwater Research Industries, known as RUR. Things were going wrong
at RUR Industries. They were having troubles with deliveries of materials for the
coming projects and it seems that one of the robot designs was also stolen. Carlton
Smith, their Sales Manger, was asked to travel to their suppliers to find out what was
the problem they were having with them. Carlton takes on the job, and with pleading
from his daughter Tori, they leave on this journey of inquiry.
As they travel, Carlton explains to his daughter about the effects global warming is
having on the places they see along the way. Since the effects of global warming,
the United States became individual City States that were governed by different
individuals. Most were governed by certain religious entities familiar in those areas,
such as, in Salt Lake City, now known as New Zion, which was controlled by the
This book is not only about a journey of inquiry and mystery along the way, it also
consists of scientific information about global warming and its after effects on the
planet in which we live. It’s the hope that when more people are aware of the
dangers we now see happening, hopefully we may be able to turn it around and stop
it or at least minimize the effects. I know that I would not want to be around if we do
not do something about this before it is too late.
As I have recommended Milt Timmons’s first book, “Regarding an Angel’s Flight,” I
highly recommend “2084: A Tale of Post America.” Get a copy of this book, from
the author, or Amazon.com, and read it and inform all your friends to read it also. If
we all do our job in informing the public about global warming, we may save our
planet Earth from disaster.

To browse through the
book, or to buy it, please
click here
2084 is this generation's 1984!, January 22, 2009
By Dayna - See all my reviews
2084 is a compelling and well crafted story. I continued to think about its characters
and scenarios, long after I finished the book. It's a great adventure (see back flap
description and other review). I really don't won't to ruin it for you by telling you more.
Timmons portrays a very believable future life in the United States. If we don't tackle
our environmental and economic issues of today his vision could very well become
This book should be required reading for all high school and college students. There is
plenty here for engaging classroom discussions on many topics. 2084 raises
philosophical concerns, questions the power of religious organizations, explains
scientific facts in an easy-to-understand way, incorporates changes in environment,
sociology, architecture and transportation. It's an easy read - I read it traveling on the
plane (to and from) and didn't want to put it down.
Amazon Reader Reviews
2084, no place for the timid, January 1, 2009
By Joyann Sanz-agero (Encino, CA) - See all my reviews
Theists, beware!
Theocratic governments, combined with corrupt corporations maintain the law and
order in the 2084 of America in which Carlton Smith makes his cross-country trek with
his teen-age daughter, Tori. Their lives are threatened repeatedly by weather and
lawless gangs. When Tori goes missing, Carlton's search to find answers to prevent his
company's bankruptcy acquires an urgency that heightens the reader's need to keep
turning pages.
Sci-fi fans who like future world scenarios of devastation and lawlessness and
bio-genetic meddling for selfish, personal longevity will find Carlton Smith's trek in
America's future an exciting adventure, which is only possible as a result of a failure,
so-far, of current world governments to take action which could prevent such future,
climactic havoc.
This journey into the not-too-distant future, from Portland to Chicago to San Antonio, is
a hellish trip. Again, theocratic city-states do not provide `heavens' of liberty, justice, or
domestic tranquility. Far from it, yikes!
From the Rational Alternative
(January, 2009)
Future Projection Fiction with father & daughter investigators,
February 20, 2009
By Harriet M. Elliottt "social activist" (Venezuela) -- See all my reviews
I was surprised that this author's projection into the future makes the world look bleak.
But that is its charm because fictionally it foretells what might just happen after gang
wars, after the population explosion generally when the bad guys win, and when
someone then exposes the corruption.
The modern hero investigates why his company is being slighted in the business
market, something happening more and more. It's a mafia-type group behind the loss of
orders. The fiftyish father with teen-age daughter roam the barren country that has been
decimated after plagues, wars, and recognizable rivers which have burst their dams
and levies. If you travelled the same areas the author describes, believe me, the
changes will be amusing since the author obviously took pains describing why these
natural terrains changed.
This book encapsulates some of our worst fears for our planet. But I am glad it ended
well. It always takes a sharp investigator to get the bad guys. I personally loved the
religious aspect, and am personally irked that the daughter's boyfriend's father betrays
him because of religion, but that is life I guess.
2084: A Tale of Post America - A Novel by W. Milton Timmons ...
1984, 2084, 2184 ... someone will get it right yet. What kind of post America does
Milton envision? Against a backdrop of theocratic city-states, corrupt corporations,
weather extremes and lawless gangs of mutants, refugees and gangsters, Carlton
Smith - accompanied by 18-year-old daughter Tori - treks across the U.S. in an
attempt to find the way to save his robotics company from bankruptcy. If he can't
find out who murdered his chief engineer and stole his prototype computer chip, he
and his business are doomed. Along the way, his daughter is kidnapped, and he
meets up with a beautiful but mysterious woman, who may be friend ... or foe.
From the Mensa Bulletin (April-May, 2009)
Review by Tom Elliott
A Disappointment
June 5, 2009
by M. Campbell (North Carolina)
I am having a difficult time getting engrossed in this book. Character development is
shallow and flat. The dialogue segments are artificial and difficult to believe. I also had
a sense I was reading a school textbook during the descriptions of environmental
cause and effect. The author's focus was on "facts" and explanations. He failed to
create an emotional reaction to the characters and the state of the earth in 2084.
Milt's response: This critic was expecting extensive character development in an
action/adventure sci-fi thriller?
A Chilling Vision of What Could Be
by Sarah Trachtenberg
June 29, 2009
Just as in 1984, 2084 projects our fears onto a future that easily could be. An
important cautionary tale.
Interesting book, Jan. 19, 2010
By Andrewski “estudiente” (Oakland, CA)
The book takes a believable yet disturbing look at the state of the USA in the year
2084. The author has a good handle on the probable effects of climate change and
also of politics and religion in this country. Of course we should be cautioned that
most attempts to foretell the political and technological situation in the years to
come have been seriously flawed, but it is still worthwhile to give it a shot. If even a
small portion of the events forecasted in this book become true, we will be in
serious trouble as a nation and a species.
As one commentator wrote, the book should be used as required reading for some
high school and college courses, maybe courses on political science or ecology. As
literature, the book cannot be rated very high, but as a basis for discussion it does a
very good job in highlighting major problems which face the nation and world in the
coming years. I could also see it being a successful movie in the vein of 2012 and
the Book of Eli, but without religious indoctrination. The book is critical of religions in
general and promotes critical thinking. For this aspect of the book I can only heap
praise on the author. And thankfully there is no mention of real extraterrestrials who
come to save us from ourselves.
On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning "poor" and 5 meaning "excellent,"
please evaluate the following:
Plot: 4
Grammar: 4
Character Development: 3
Cover Design: 4
Judge's Commentary: What did you like best about this book? Imaginative
cover! Intriguing beginning to the story. Your prose is refreshingly direct and
uncluttered. Your premise is truly fascinating, and pretty dead-on, as it turns out.
Judge's Evaluation from 17th Annual International Writer's Digest Book Contest
Not-too Impressive Attempt by Fellow Alum, May 17, 2010
Reviewed by Kristav Childress (Singapore)
2084 was an engaging book and a very quick read. I read it because 1) I am a
sci-fi fan from way back, 2) I am intrigued with dystopic pictures of the future (I
recently saw "Age of Stupid" which was a documentary framed in a future archivists
musings on where we are going wrong now - intriguing), and 3) because the author
is an alumnus of the same college I attended - Davidson - although we're not
I liked the snapshot of a future post-climate catastrophe crisis - it is a wakup call. I
thought some of the prognostication was plausible. As I said before, it was a very
fast read. I read the Kindle version.
Problems with the book:
- too much bald exposition (mostly with characters reciting paragraphs of detailed
geology, meteorology, etc. to each other) - the book wrapped up like a bad
television episode with the bad guys pointing guns at the good guys and a
wrestling match ensuing - characters were too thin and weakly written - people
change their motivation and attitudes on a hairpin to move the story along. The
work needed more layers and complexity (not necessarily The Road, but
something more substantial) - the portrayal of religious faith as the refuge of
simpletons and charlatans while humanism is somehow the last great hope of
mankind was very overwrought.
Particularly from someone like Timmons who attended a school (as we did) which
stated as its core belief (and I paraphrase) "We believe that Jesus Christ is the
central fact of history" the rendering of religion as simply a mask for control and
manipulation of one group by another seemed very odd and unsophisticated.
Atheism has unleashed a host of its own horrors while Christian faith - although
often corrupted - has led believers to create (real) schools, orphanages, hospitals
and charities and missions oat great personal cost that have aided countless souls.
So, interesting first attempt. But needs a lot of development and I wouldn't
recommend it.
Milt Replies:
This reviewer obviously had me confused with someone else. I never heard of
Davidson College.
(5 Stars) A Glimpse of the Future, April 27, 2009
Reviewed by Lee Baker
2084 is a cautionary tale. It's about some dire possibilities that can happen if wiser heads
do not prevail. And ideas for here and now.
The main characters in the fictional story, forty-two year old Carlton Smith and his
eighteen year old daughter Tori, serve to provide information on a variety of subjects. Tori
asks a lot of questions and her dad responds with excellent answers. A lot of interesting
and useful information is presented.
Timmons combines fiction and facts smoothly - the facts having been meticulously
researched to provide reliable information that CNN reporters describe as "what you need
to know."
The fictional tale is a "who done it" that gets off to a flying start early with discovery of a
corpse floating in a body of water. The unlucky victim, Dr. Epstein, is a scientist who had
been working on a project in which "the usual suspects" who despise any departure from
the status quo, are probably the guilty parties.
In this excellent example of literary "edutainment" readers will glimpse "The State of the
Nation" in 2084 as imagined by this author. These include technological advances and
political developments. For example: In one particular city all drugs are available and legal
(great subject for debate). . . Religion gets a going over, especially the Catholic Church
(dissent among the ranks). . . and as the saying goes: much, much more.
As noted at the beginning of this review, 2084 is a cautionary work - the message being
that the future that sensible people hope for requires less talk and more action. . . OK,
talk is good, especially when it leads to action.
2084 contains plenty of topics to talk about. Try it, you'll like it!
(1 Star) A Promise Undelivered, Sept 8, 2010
Reviewed by Raul Torres
As a post apocalyptic book, 2084 has lots of possibilities that were never realized. The
treatment of its characters and conflicts moves at such a quick pace that do not allow
them to properly develop. As a result, what could have been a great novel in the vein of
Swan Song or The Passage, ends up being no more than a script with very little literary
Milt responds:
Mr. Torres is right. This book was written with the hope that it would be adapted into a
big-budget summer movie. But even though many of the things that I predicted in back in
2008 are already history, Hollywood has been afraid to touch the subject of global
warming seriously, because during the intervening years it has developed into such a
political "hot potato." The Secretary General of the United Nations even made a special
trip to Hollywood to plead for such films, but no studio has had the nerve to do it.
I developed the book into my own screenplay - two screenplays actually: a feature film
version and a mini-series version. They are posted on this website.